An Old Man with Dummy Friend


          An Old Man with Dummy Friend

  Many years ago, there was an old man who lived in a small forgotten town far from the city. Towards the end of his life, this old man had many wrinkles on his face and many wasted dreams and hopes. The old man had never anyone to talk to or share anything with. The old man spent his days in solitude.

  One day, while he was sitting at his desk, an old piece of wood caught his eye. The old man first noticed that the wood he carved to pass the time resembled a tiny dummy. The man continued to carve and shape them in the hope that this dummy could become his companion. The model looked beautiful when it was finished and the man was so happy to finally have a friend he could talk to.  The man took the dummy, placed it in front of him and started telling him something.  For the first time, the old man could sit and talk to someone for hours, and now he had a friend who controlled his every move.  The man told the dummy all the difficulties, troubles, and misfortunes he had experienced throughout his life.  The dummy agreed with what the man said and reacted by nodding his head.  This little dummy became the old man's first and only friend.  The dummy listened patiently to the old man's stories and responded to all of them.

  The little dummy, whose life was in the old man's hands, filled the old man's loneliness and gave him some peace.  Even a small reaction to the old man's words made him feel less alone.  Over time, old age began to show its effects more and more.  Both of them did not let go of each other's hands until the end, and the dummy and its wooden friend started and finished this story hand in hand.


  1. ı think your grammatical use is good. Maybe the descriptions could be more poetic.You can give a little more emphasis to the conclusion part. Thus, the main subject of the story is summarized and concluded in a better way. Apart from that, the introduction and development sections are sufficient and descriptive. Fluency of meaning seems to have been achieved.


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